Several weeks ago I started dropping hints about how I expected Mother's Day to be extra special this year. And by dropping hints I mean telling Todd, "I want Mother's Day to be extra special this year". Maybe it's the fact that I have two children this year or that I get to stay home with them more now, but I was really feeling the need to be "celebrated". Yep, I said it.
My sweet husband did not disappoint. He did special things for me all weekend like cleaning out my car and the drain in my bathroom sink :). On Sunday morning he let me sleep in, cooked breakfast, and gave me a sweet card with a picture of the boys on it and an IOU for the Wii game that I have been asking for--Wii Fit. After church we went out to lunch. We also went to the park and then did a little shopping for the new stroller that I've been wanting for Carson (and ME). It was a really great day. I feel very blessed to be married to such a caring man and my children just light up my world. By the end of the day I was exhausted, but filled with joy and thanksgiving for my family. I could not ask for more!
Here are a few pictures from the weekend.
Carson at the Buck Creek Festival on Saturday--he's wishing he could get in one of the inflatables...maybe next year!

Luke loved this inflatable--it was a little humid out, can you tell???

Higher Daddy!

Fun with the new stroller box...