Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome Home Uncle Joe!

Joe got back from Iraq Sunday afternoon and we were all there to greet him as he and Rocky (his dog) got off the plane. It was AWESOME! {You can click on the images to make them bigger}

Alivia, Dad, and Justin

Alivia & Papaw

Alivia, Mom, Me, and Carson

Luke and Uncle Justin being silly.

The babies.

Alivia and Holly...waiting patiently!

Luke and Carson

It was a long wait!

He's finally home!

Here is a video but I cannot figure out how to re-orient the picture so watch at your own risk and if you know how to fix it let me know!!!


Ronda said...

I should know better than to read blogs in the morning before work. Sob Sob! I'm so glad he is back home and I know Holly and Alivia are just thrilled! Welcome home Uncle Joe!!!

Unknown said...

this was one of the BEST MOMENTS in a PARENTS LIFE!!!! thanks for posting crystal. i spent a wonderful visit with joe holly and alivia when he returned home. it was then off to al. to work some gigi magic on those jenkins boys.. it is a wonderful life in the world of GIGI!!!!!