Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Counting my Blessings

This post is a lot different than my others, but this is about something that has really touched me this week and has reminded me that every day with my sweet boys is truly a gift from God. Many of you probably know of or have heard me talk about the morning radio show, "Rick and Bubba", that I've been listening to for several years now. One of the hosts, Rick, just lost his two year old son this past Saturday. He drowned in the family pool. It is so tragic. It is truly amazing how the faith of that family is getting them through this tragedy. I pray that if I am ever faced with a similar situation that I will be able to trust God to see me through. Here are the videos of Rick speaking at his son's funeral on Tuesday. It's in three parts (about 10 minutes a piece). I would highly recommend you view them when you can. I know I'm glad that I took the time to hear what he had to say.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i just finished watching these videos. as much as my heart is breaking for this family it has been replaced with the feeling that our world is going to be o.k. thanks for sharing crystal.any of us with children know this has just got to be the worst thing we would have to face. i feel stronger in my faith from the opportunity to view this.god bless little Bonner and his family. love your mom