Saturday, June 14, 2008

Did I mention I've been sick?

Once again this first trimester is kicking my butt... This is one of the main reasons I've slacked off so much on the blogging the last few weeks. Hopefully I will be back to my self in the next couple of weeks!


Amie said...

I'm so excited for you! I've been thinking about you a lot since you told me last week. I sure hope you feel better soon. If you need any encouragment, give me a call!
Love you,

Shannon said...


JulieW said...

I've been meaning to write to congratulate you on the new baby. Then I wanted to congratulate Todd for his PHD. Then I wanted to congratulate Todd on his new job and then MOVING!!. MY congratulations cant keep up with all your blessings. We will see you soon.
Love, Aunt Lois

Dani said...

I decided to check on "Those Jenkins Boys" and see how you guys were doing...Here I learned a lot about what is going with you over there. Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, Congrats and Congrats because I know by the time I check back on you guys you will have more good news. We are very Happy for you and I am waiting for the baby girl....
Danielle et Cas in Denver, CO