Sunday, December 7, 2008

Who Me?

This is what a "Carson-proof" Christmas tree looks like. Yes, we are finished decorating. Seems to work pretty well! We have another one upstairs with ornaments all the way to the bottom that Luke helped decorate.

Look at that face!

My little buckaroo. He is such a busy boy!
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Amy said...

He's so cute! We've had a tree like that for as long as I can remember! lol.. I'm so glad you're blogging again! I hope all is well with you, and we miss you...

Jennifer said...

what a stinker. he makes me smile!!

Unknown said...

I visited with a friend today whose tree looked just like that. I guess that's what mine will look like next year. :)
How are you feeling?

Ronda said...

Man those cheeks are sooo kissable! Give him some love for me!

Anonymous said...

What a blue-eyed sweetie